
Free VPK

VPK at Ocoee Oaks Preschool

Free VPK is offered in the morning with wrap around services available. Our VPK is one of the top-rated programs in West Orange County. Wrap around services are $115 per week.

The program uses a blended curriculum, including Wee Learn, Creative Curriculum and Zoo phonics. This blended approach provides learning on all areas of the State benchmarks in a fun and creative way using hands on activities as the primary mode of learning.

To obtain your VPK certificate, please click on the link below.

Some Of Our VPK Activities

Counting Games

Values and Good Manners

Word Building and Vocabulary Enhancement

Learning to Play Musical Instruments

Reading the Clock / Telling the Time

Math Essentials (Adding, Subtracting and Fractions)

Learning Science, Human Anatomy and Animals

Learning Cultures Around the World

Our Mission

Our mission at Ocoee Oaks Preschool is to develop the whole child, mind, body, and Spirit, in a loving, Christian learning environment.